Project Retrospective… You know the thing we rarely do but when we do it gets lost in nature in a Word Document or some other type of one time, never read again type of document. At TKS we are trying to use the full potential of Azure Devops by using...
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Process - Using Git Flow with GitKraken and Azure DevOps
In 2019 we had the opportunity to start a project from scratch for a new customer. We decided to experiment with our workflow to try and resolve recurring issues from other projects and use the maximum potential of the tools and products available to us. For Example, as a Microsoft...
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Using ESLint to detect errors in NodeJS applications
Sometimes working in NodeJs/JavaScript application can reserve some surprises when it comes to helping the developers to error out some common issues about their application structure and relation between their different project files. Let’s say that you are working in a NodeJS application and you change a file name and...
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Microsoft Teams for Business Collaboration
Today we will share with you what we think are the best features of Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is an application specially designed for collaborative teamwork in an environment where project information can be centralized. Microsoft Teams is a workspace where every user has easy access to project files, conversations,...
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Why ExpressJS and Mongoose is The Perfect Duo
Imagine having a full working API using only JavaScript for your back end, not using any SQL and having all your data stored in JSON files. Those are the possibilities when you combine NodeJS and MongoDB. Using a framework like ExpressJS and an Object Data Modeling library like Mongoose, we...
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